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Cardiovascular System

artery with cholesterol buildup
By Jonathan Tessier June 26, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription drugs. When heading in a new direction, make a few changes at a time. It’s important to enjoy the journey. A Healing Diet Drink 7-10 glasses of filtered or spring water daily. Avoid chlorine. Consume a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Very important. Go organic. Pesticides and chemicals are harmful to the liver and arteries. Rely on fresh fruit, vegetables, raw seeds and nuts, beans legumes, and whole grains as the mainstays of your diet. Avoid wheat unless it’s sprouted. Animal products are a source of inflammatory arachidonic acid which leads to increased free radicals. Eat sparingly. Combine foods for optimum digestion: fruit on an empty stomach 30 minutes before other foods. Starches and animal products require very difference digestive secretions and should not be consumed at the same meal. Have complete protein no later than lunch for better digestion of amino acids. Fermented kimchi and sauerkraut lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Consume 1-3 tablespoons of flax, hemp, or chia seeds daily. Garlic’s ability to lower LDL is well documented. Pomegranate and beet juices protect the arteries and reduce plaque. Replace salt with Herbamare for all the flavour but 1/3 the sodium. 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar and honey (opt) in water with meals corrects pH, improves digestion, and regulates blood sugar. Cook food gently. High heat generates acrylamides & advanced glycation end products.
By Jonathan Tessier June 26, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take medication. A holistic approach to health requires a look at all areas of life. Make a few changes at a time. Each positive change is a variable in your body’s favour giving it an opportunity to flourish. Diet for maximum circulation Drink 7-10 glasses of room temperature filtered or spring water. Chlorine can interfere with thyroid function. Eat a diet consisting or 75-80% alkalizing foods . Very important. Organic foods are the safest way to nourish yourself - a wise investment! Make fruits, vegetables, raw seeds, nuts, beans, legumes and whole grains mainstays of your diet. Avoid wheat unless sprouted. Fermented kimchi, sauerkraut have a beneficial effect on vessels. Combine foods for optimum digestion: fruits on an empty stomach 30 minutes before other foods. Starches and animal products require very different gastric secretions and should not be eaten at the same meal. Beets, pomegranates, and their juices increase blood flow. Have 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar and ½ tsp raw honey (opt) in water with meals to boost thermogenesis, improve digestion, and correct pH. Ginger, cayenne, cinnamon, celery seed, cloves, and garlic improve circulation. Replace salt with Herbamare for all the flavour and 1/3 the sodium. It contain kelp to naturally stimulate thyroid function. Avoid heavy protein after lunch for improved digestion of amino acids. Basic Supplements - To Cover Common Deficiencies Bio-Strath – provides a full complement of B complex vitamins necessary for digestion, nerve health, and circulation. Vitamin C – anti-inflammatory, improves circulation. Vitamin D - 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to the upper limit of 4,000 IU – a deficiency is associated with thyroid and circulatory functions. Magnesium – has a relaxing effect on blood vessels. Supports circulation. Omega 3 fatty acids – necessary for proper circulation. Probiotics – intermittent use to correct pH and enhance microbiome.
blood pressure
By Jonathan Tessier June 24, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take medication. High blood pressure is most commonly caused by a narrowing of the arteries while low may indicate lax vessel walls and compromised adrenal function. This program provides nutrients for improving overall vascular health to reduce symptoms of both high and low blood pressure. A Balanced Alkaline / Acid Diet 7-10 glasses filtered or spring water. Chlorine is believed to damage arteries. Eat a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Most important. Go organic. Pesticides, growth hormones and other chemicals can affect arteries. High fiber fruits, vegetables, raw seeds, nuts, legumes and beans, and whole grains maintain healthy cholesterol levels and promote vessel health. Animal products are a source of inflammatory arachidonic acid which increases free radical activity and LDL production. Consume sparingly. Eat complete protein no later than lunch for better assimilation of amino acids. Combine foods for optimum digestion – fruit on an empty stomach 30 minutes before other foods – starches need base secretions while animal products need acid – consume at separate meals. Beet juice – a 2014 study found that, along with a nutritious diet, 5 ounces of beet juice daily can regulate blood pressure in weeks. Garlic is well known for its beneficial effect on cardiovascular health. 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar and honey (opt) in water with meals improves digestion, balances blood sugar, and has an alkaline effect on body chemistry. 1-3 tbsp ground flax, hemp or chia provides high fiber and essential fatty acids. Replace salt with Herbamare for all the flavour but 1/3 the sodium. Use sparingly. Cook gently. High heat generates acrylamides & advanced glycation end products. Basic Supplements - Elevate nutrition from adequate to optimum Bio-Strath – a unique fermented whole food that supplies complete B vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and more. It improves digestion, increases stress tolerance, and corrects pH. Vitamin C - anti-inflammatory, a cofactor in collagen production. Vitamin D – 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to upper limit of 4,000 IU - a deficiency is associated with high blood pressure and inflammation. Calcium/Magnesium formula - keeps vessels flexible, regulates cardiovascular function. Omega-3 fatty acids – well researched for its beneficial effect on blood pressure. Probiotics – intermittent use corrects pH and helps regulate blood pressure. Extra Care - For Short Term and intermittent use Berberine – ( for high blood pressure ) reduces arterial plaque, lowers LDL, raises HDL, lowers blood sugar, facilitates weight loss, reduces fat storage. Panax Ginseng – (for low blood pressure ) strengthens adrenal function and stress hormone production to stimulate vessels. Hawthorn is an overall cardiovascular tonic that regulates both high and low blood pressure. Co Enzyme Q10 – an antioxidant that protects the heart and improves vessel function. Lifestyle Suggestions Manage stress . Try yoga, meditation, massage, and/or keeping a journal. Find techniques that help you feel balanced and at peace. Check out the Wellness on Purpose Program. Maintain an ideal weight . A (mainly) whole foods plant-based diet of vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans, and whole grains requires no calorie counting and naturally reduces inflammation and optimizes weight and blood pressure. Keep all pathways of elimination open. Dry body brush to keep skin pores open and encourage lymphatic drainage. Use sufficient magnesium to keep your bowels moving easily. Get plenty of fresh air, exercise, and sunshine. According to studies, people who are moderately active and spend time in nature are more likely to have normal blood pressure, lower cholesterol, sleep more soundly, and have stronger immune systems. Perform Dr Zack Bush’s 4-minute workout. This easy little routine performed 2-3 times a day increases nitric oxide production. See it online. Nitric oxide strengthens blood vessels, increases mitochondria activity (so more energy for you!), and regulates blood pressure. Breathe! We can live weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen – and yet it is the physical function we give the least attention! Compromised breathing due to poor posture, inactivity, and breathing through the mouth, can all result in poorly oxygenated blood and gaseous buildup. This can lead to acidity which negatively affects blood vessels and the heart. Breathe deeply, exhale thoroughly. The diet suggestion and basic supplements form a solid nutritional foundation. The lifestyle practices are for a lifetime of good health. Most people find their health improves in multiple ways. We hope you experience the same results. *Revised December 2024
By Jonathan Tessier June 24, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate medical advice. Please check product labels and consult your pharmacist if you take medication. Make changes gradually. You can systematically bring about positive changes. Health by design! Diet Drink 7-10 glasses of unchlorinated water. Consume a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Most important. Go organic . Pesticides and chemicals can damage vessels. Make * antioxidant rich fruits, vegetables, raw seeds and nuts, beans, legumes, and whole grains the mainstays of your diet. Avoid wheat unless it’s sprouted. Have complete protein no later than lunch for better digestion of amino acids. Fermented Kimchi and sauerkraut help prevent plaque accumulation. 1-3 tbsp Chia, hemp, or ground flax daily provide fiber and essential fatty acids. Garlic is renowned for its protective effect on cardiovascular health. Pomegranate and beet juices can significantly slow plaque buildup. Take 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar and ½ tsp raw honey (opt) in water with meals to improve digestion and help regulate blood pressure. Replace salt with Herbamare for all the taste but 1/3 of the sodium * Antioxidants counteract free radical activity associated with elevated LDL cholesterol and subsequent arterial plaque. Basic Supplements – To Cover Common Deficiencies Bio-Strath – necessary for proper digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. Reduces homocysteine, a factor in arterial damage. Improves stress tolerance. Vitamin D – 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to upper limit of 4,000 IU – a steroid precursor, anti-inflammatory. Omega 3 fatty acids – necessary for healthy cardiovascular function. Magnesium – important for delivery and absorption of other nutrients. Has a relaxing effect upon the heart, muscles, and blood vessels. Probiotics – intermittent use, promotes better digestion, corrects pH. Special Care for Arteries - For Short Term or Intermittent use to Promote Healing Berberine – a powerful antioxidant that reduces arterial plaque, lowers LDL, raises HDL, lowers blood sugar, facilitates weight loss, and combats depression. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids – 500-1,000 mg anti-inflammatory, promotes collagen production, strengthens arteries. Vitamin K2 – reduces calcium deposits on artery walls. Take 2-3 times weekly. Aloe vera juice increases collagen necessary for artery repair. Final Tips The benefits of fresh air, sunshine, and moderate exercise can’t be overstated. The Earth is constantly emitting an energy field that affects us on every level. Holy Basil (Tulsi) tea - reduces cortisol levels, blood pressure and anxiety. Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises are effective ways to reduce stress and promote cardiovascular health. Breathe deeply, exhale thoroughly! Watch Dr. Zack Bush’s 4-minute Workout aka “The Nitric Oxide Dump” online. Nitric Oxide relaxes blood vessels and improves muscles and metabolism. Cook foods gently. Grilling, broiling, frying and roasting at high temperatures generates excess acrylamides and advanced glycation end products (AGES) associated with arterial damage, cancer and diabetes. A whole foods diet high in antioxidants, fresh air and moderate exercise, and proper supplementation allows your body to heal. Keep a journal and track your progress. Many people find their health improves in multiple ways! Remember, you’re meant to be healthy and happy. *Revised February 2023
woman asleep on a table
By Jonathan Tessier June 24, 2024
Iron Deficient Anemia These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take medication. Common causes of low iron are poor mineral absorption and excess menstrual flow. There are two forms of iron found in foods. Heme iron in meats, nonheme in vegetables. Peter D’Adamo, author of the Eat Right for Your Type Diet, finds people with O blood types absorb iron better from heme sources. We offer this for informational purposes only. Consume whole foods, especially leafy green vegetables. Beets , beet juice and molasses are good sources of iron. If you are a meat eater, small amounts of organic meats and wild caught salmon are good choices. They’re best eaten no later than lunch for better digestion of amino acids.
Policonsanol supplement in powder and capsule form
By Jonathan Tessier June 4, 2024
Policosanol - Keep Them Clean! Policosanol is a wonder supplement for those concerned about protecting their arteries and controlling cholesterol levels. Policosanol: Decreases LDL (bad) cholesterol Increases HDL (good) cholesterol Removes plaque deposits from artery walls Binds to oxidized LDL and stops it adhering to artery walls Stops platelets from sticking together preventing blood clots Improves circulation where blood flow is restricted Reduces visceral fat around the waist and hips Aloe Vera and Pomegranate Juices - Keep Them Strong! Aloe Vera is already well known for its healing properties for burns and digestive problems, but it’s equally important for anyone concerned about blood vessels, bones, joints, skin, hair, nails, and more. In a scientific study done on oral consumption of aloe vera, levels of hyaluronic acid and collagen nearly doubled in study participants after only 8 weeks! Pomegranate has a protective effect on arteries. It contains 3 times the antioxidants of green tea or red wine. Recommended use: mix 4 tbsp (start slowly) of whole leaf aloe vera juice with 2-3 ounces of pomegranate juice for a revitalizing cocktail. "A healthy cardiovascular system means the beat goes on!" - Anonymous
By Jonathan Tessier June 4, 2024
This information is not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels for contraindications and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription drugs. As you gradually make changes you can bring about positive results in your overall well-being. Good health is by design, not by accident 😊 A Balancing Diet Drink 7-10 glasses of unchlorinated water daily. Consume a diet of 75-80% alkaline forming foods and check PH periodically. Chart available. Go organic. Various chemicals and pesticides are associated with diabetes. Make fruits and vegetables, raw seeds and nuts, beans and legumes, and gluten free whole grains the mainstays of your diet. There is evidence that a (mainly) whole food plant based diet is your best strategy for reversing diabetes. Forks Over Knives has helpful resources and very satisfying recipe ideas. Eat complete protein no later than lunch for better digestion of amino acids. Culinary spices cinnamon, turmeric, and cayenne help regulate blood sugar. Garlic is also effective and offers strong protection for the cardiovascular system. 1-3 tbsp ground flax for fiber, fatty acids, and hormone balance. Coconut and MCT oil increase energy and regulate blood sugar. Apple cider vinegar lowers blood sugar and decreases fat storage. 1-2 tsp in water with meals improves digestion and reduces glycemic index by as much as 30%. Avoid refined sugar, white rice, artificial sweeteners, and alcohol. Cook gently. High temperatures generate advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and acrylamides that contribute to diabetes symptoms. Supplements - to avoid common deficiencies Bio-Strath tablets – improves digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Vitamin D 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to the upper limit of 4,000 IU – a deficiency is associated with type 2 diabetes. Chlorophyll (for magnesium) – regulates blood sugar, improves immunity. Omega 3 fatty acids – regulates inflammation. Probiotics intermittent use - balances pH, strengthens immune system. Special Care for Diabetes Berberine is one of the most effective remedies for lowering blood sugar. It facilitates weight loss, lowers LDL, raises HDL, and protects the heart. Alpha lipoic acid helps relieve symptoms of diabetic neuropathy Quercetin protects the eyes and aids in preventing diabetic retinopathy. Exercise is important to maintain a healthy weight, regulate blood sugar, have fun, and feel great! A brisk daily walk in the fresh air is always beneficial. In fact, a recent Harvard study showed that even a 2 minute walk after meals can significantly lower blood sugar! Keep all pathways of elimination unobstructed. Dry body brush to keep skin pores open and encourage lymphatic drainage. Take sufficient chlorophyll to keep bowel moving easily. Breathe deeply, exhale completely. Lungs expel gases that can cause respiratory acidosis in the same way high blood sugar can cause ketoacidosis. Dr Zack Bush has developed a 4 Minute Workout (also known as The Nitric Oxide Dump.) Performed 2-3 times daily it increases metabolism and nitric oxide for healthy muscles and increased energy. View online. Journal and track your progress for a few months. Many people have told us they sleep better, have more energy, lost unwanted weight, look younger, and enjoy a whole new excitement about life. We hope you will have similar results. You were meant to be happy and healthy 😊 *Revised September 2024
hands holding a red heart
By Jonathan Tessier June 4, 2024
This information is not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Suggestions are based on over 40 years of customer experience. Please consult your pharmacist if you take prescription medications. Make a few changes at a time. You can bring about many positive effects when you practice health by design! 😊 Diet - For maximum nutrition & digestive wellness Drink 7 -10 glasses of filtered or spring water. Consume a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Chart available. Go organic. Pesticides and chemicals do not benefit the cardiovascular system. Rely on antioxidant rich fruits, vegetables, raw seeds and nuts, beans, legumes, and whole grains as the mainstays of your diet. Avoid wheat unless sprouted. Have heavy protein no later than lunch for better assimilation of amino acids. Combine foods for optimum digestion: fruit on an empty stomach 30 minutes before others foods. Starches and animal products digest in very different digestive secretions and should not be eaten at the same meal. Fermented vegetables like Kimchi and Sauerkraut reduce plaque accumulation. Pomegranate and beet juices slow plaque buildup and improve circulation. Garlic is well known for its protective effects. 1-3 tbsp of ground chia, flax, or hemp seeds for fiber, nutrients and fatty acids. Replace salt with Herbamare for all the flavour but 1/3 less sodium. Aloe vera juice can increase collagen levels, protecting arteries from damage. Mix 3 tbsp with pomegranate or beet juice for a delicious antioxidant boost! Cook gently. High heat generates acrylamides & advanced glycation end products. Supplements - to offset common deficiencies Bio-Strath – a fermented whole food source of B complex vitamins and more -reduces stress, improves digestion, strengthens the immune system. Vitamin C – anti-inflammatory, necessary for collagen production. Vitamin D – 8,000 for one month then reduce to the upper limit of 4,000 IU daily. A deficiency is associated with cardiovascular disease. Omega 3 fatty acids – protects the cardiovascular system. Magnesium – regulates heartbeat, strengthens heart muscles. Probiotics – intermittent use, lowers LDL, raises HDL, corrects pH. Special Care for Cardiovascular Health - Short or Intermittent Use Co Q 10 – an antioxidant that has a strong protective effect on the heart. Hawthorn berry – regulates blood pressure, strengthens mitral valve function, an overall tonic for the cardiovascular system. Berberine supports vessel health and has been effective in severe cases of heart failure. It reduces LDL, regulates blood sugar, and helps in weight management. Ginger is prescribed in Traditional Chinese Medicine to prevent silent strokes. In Ayurvedic Medicine it is called the universal spice due to its many benefits. It can be taken as a tea, culinary spice or in supplement form. Extras for Mind and Body Keep all pathways of elimination open. Dry body brush to keep skin pores clear and encourage lymphatic drainage. Take sufficient magnesium and vitamin C to keep bowels moving easily. Get moving in the fresh air every day . Practice the 4-minute workout developed by Dr. Zack Bush 2-3 times daily. It is also known as the “ Nitric Oxide Dump ”. Nitric oxide keeps vessels relaxed and healthy. See the workout and instructions here. The benefits of Yoga, meditation, and rhythmic breathing for cardiovascular health are well documented. Breathe deeply, exhale thoroughly! Practice contentment and joy. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart is associated with joy. Do what makes you happy and avoid situations that cause tension and stress. Keep a journal and track your progress. Many people who take these suggestions to heart (pardon the pun 😊) find their health improves in multiple ways. Our hope is you will be one of them! *Revised September 2024
By Jonathan Tessier June 4, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate medical advice. Please check product labels for contraindications or check with your pharmacist if you are on prescription drugs. These suggestions are based on more than 40 years of customer experience at Jo Anne's Place. Diet Drink 7-10 glasses of unchlorinated water. Consume a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Chart available. Focus on antioxidants. See Dr Axe Top 10 Antioxidants. Go organic. Pesticides and chemicals are not beneficial for the arteries. Consume fermented foods on a regular basis. Kimchi and sauerkraut have been shown to prevent plaque accumulation. 1-3 tbsp Chia, hemp, or ground flax daily provide fiber and essential fatty acids. Garlic is renowned for its protective effect on cardiovascular health. Pomegranate juice can significantly slow plaque buildup. Increase use of unrefined healthy oils: sesame, olive, and walnut are excellent choices. Take 4 tbsp of Aloe Vera juice 2X daily. In one study hyaluronic acid and collagen levels nearly doubled in study participants. Delicious mixed with pomegranate juice. Use sparingly grains containing gluten, dairy, soy, alcohol, natural sweeteners, whole sea salt or Herbamare. Supplements Bio-Strath – necessary for proper digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. Reduces homocysteine levels considered a factor in arterial damage. Improves stress tolerance. Vitamin C – 300-2,000 mg – anti-inflammatory, promotes collagen production. Vitamin D – 2,000-4,000 IU – a steroid precursor, anti-inflammatory. Vitamin K2 – directs calcium where it is required and stops it from binding to artery walls. Omega 3 fatty acids – necessary for healthy cardiovascular function. Magnesium – important for delivery and absorption of other nutrients. Has a relaxing effect upon the heart, muscles, and blood vessels. Probiotic – promotes better digestion, corrects PH. Policosanol decreases arterial plaque, lowers LDL, breaks up fatty liver deposits, and reduces visceral fat around waist and hips. Final Suggestions Holy Basil (Tulsi) tea to reduces cortisol levels, blood pressure and anxiety. Yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, and deep breathing are effective ways to reduce stress and promote cardiovascular health. Many studios offer instruction in all of these practices. Organic coffee is a vasodilator that is high in antioxidant flavonoids. Get moderate daily exercise and watch Dr. Zack Bush’s 4-minute Workout aka “The Nitric Oxide Dump” online. Nitric Oxide is important for healthy arteries. Follow this protocol for 3-4 months and assess your progress.
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