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Hair, Skin, & Nails

A redheaded woman holds an eyedropper over her hair
By April Allen January 3, 2025
If you're on the beauty or wellness side of TikTok, you may have seen the viral "Vanilla Swirl" Hair Oil. TikTok user @vanilla_swirlxx went viral recently for her hair oil recipe, showing a before and after picture after 1 year of using it. Other creators have also seen improvements in their hair growth and shine from using this recipe!
By April Allen October 8, 2024
Anyone who has had chickenpox carries the virus that can manifests later as shingles. The virus lies dormant at the base of nerve cell clusters and reactivates when you experience a trigger – nutritional deficiencies, illness, trauma/stress, or injury, all resulting in excess free radical activity. Cells damaged by free radicals are susceptible to being hijacked by the virus.
By Jonathan Tessier June 24, 2024
Acne is a frustrating condition that, while common, often causes feelings of insecurity. Whether experienced in teenage years or as an adult, acne can be caused by many different things such as an accumulation of acid waste in the body. This diet and basic supplement suggestions form a foundation for the maintenance of good health and glowing skin from head to toe. Of the many suggestions, try what appeals to you! Make a few changes at a time until you achieve your desired outcome.
woman dry brushing her arm
By April Allen June 18, 2024
Directions For Dry Body Brushing
eczema patch on elbow
By April Allen June 18, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take medication. Eczema symptoms can improved or eliminated through a high efficiency diet, nutritional supplements, some easy lifestyle adjustments, and stress management techniques. A Healing Diet – relieve congestion in the digestive & lymphatic systems Drink 7-10 glasses filtered or spring water. Chlorine can exacerbate eczema symptoms. Eat a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Inflammation is indicative of high acidity. Use our chart to menu plan. Go organic. Pesticides, growth hormones, and other chemicals can trigger skin reactions. Eat simply with emphasis on fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts, beans, and legumes. Combine foods for optimum digestion: fruit on an empty stomach 30 minutes before other foods – starches and animal products digest in very different digestive secretions and should not be eaten at the same meal. Have complete protein no later than lunchtime for better assimilation of amino acids. Fermented kimchi and sauerkraut cleanse the digestive tract, and correct pH. Consume 1-3 tbsp ground flax seed to slow conversion of healthy hormones into pseudo hormones like dihydrotestosterone linked to inflammation. Low stomach acid is associated with eczema. Take betaine HCI with meals or have 2 tsp apple cider vinegar and honey (opt) in room temperature water with meals to improve digestion, assimilation, elimination, and correct pH. Replace salt with Herbamare for all of the flavour but only 1/3 the sodium. Cook gently. High heat generates acrylamides and advanced glycation end products. Basic Supplements - to avoid common deficiencies associated with inflammation Bio-Strath is a unique fermented whole food that provides all B vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, and DNA. It balances the digestive tract, relieves stress and corrects pH. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids – anti-inflammatory, reduces anxiety and fatigue. Vitamin D - 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to the upper limit of 4,000 IU – If after a month following this program inflammation is still occurring have your vitamin D levels checked. Some people need higher doses for a period of time. Chlorophyll (a source of magnesium) – blood cleanser/builder, necessary for assimilation of other nutrients including D and calcium, strengthens digestion, hydrates the colon. Omega-3 fatty acids – double up on label dosages for one week, modulates inflammation. Probiotics – intermittent use to balance pH and improve digestion. Special Care for Skin – Use until condition is resolved Perform a whole body detox. This is a great way to kick off a new program and start with a cleaner slate. A detox should be at least 30 days or longer to have a noticeable effect. Complete digestive enzyme with HCI. Take one with each meal until skin has cleared then take with meals that are mainly cooked foods (cooking destroys enzymes found in foods). Holy Basil tea reduces cortisol and decreases inflammation. Combined with ginger it improves circulation to the skin and promotes liver and lymphatic function. Pycnogenol (Maritime Pine Bark) is a powerful antioxidant that reduces overall inflammation and has a positive effect on skin health. Topical preparations with calendula help heal the skin and prevent scarring. Satya has a wonderful natural eczema treatment. Additional Suggestions Stress is experienced somewhere in the body. Identify the spot where it affects you and breathe into it deeply. Then thoroughly breathe out to let it go. Practice this again and again until it is a reflex and you will greatly diminish the negative effects of stress on your body. Keep all pathways of elimination clear. Dry body brush to keep skin pores open and lymphatic drainage moving. Use a dry silk cosmetic brush to do the face and a natural bristle hairbrush for the scalp. Use enough chlorophyll and vitamin C to keep the bowels moving easily. Enjoy pleasurable activities in the fresh air and sunshine. Breathe deeply, exhale fully. Perform Dr. Zack Bush’s 4-minute workout 2-3 times daily to keep vessels open and improve circulation to the skin. See online. Following these suggestions you may see improvement in multiple areas of your health. Keep a journal to track your progress for 1-3 months. You can enjoy good health by design and be comfortable in your own skin! *Revised September 2024
middle aged man looking at his hair in the mirror
By April Allen June 18, 2024
Protect Your Crowning Glory!
By April Allen June 18, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take medications. A holistic approach to health requires a look at all areas of your life. Make a few changes at a time. Each positive change is a variable in your body’s favour giving it an opportunity to flourish. Adopt a Healing Diet 7-10 glasses of filtered or spring water at room temperature. Alkaline water is best for cells and signals the need for higher stomach acid, improving digestion. Eat a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Chart available. Extremely important! Switch up to organic. Pesticides contribute to inflammation. Make fresh fruits (that you tolerate), vegetables, raw seeds, legumes, beans, and whole grains the mainstays of your diet. Avoid wheat unless sprouted. Have complete protein no later than lunch for better assimilation of amino acids. Cook gently. High heat generates acrylamides and advance glycation end products. Follow the elimination diet on the reverse to identify specific sensitivities. Basic Supplements to cover common deficiencies B complex – improves stress tolerance and digestion. Vitamin D – 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to upper limit of 4000 IU. Vitamin C – as calcium ascorbate, take to bowel tolerance to control histamine levels. Magnesium – necessary for DAO activity, anti-inflammatory, promotes regularity. Omega 3 fatty acids – double up for one month to “crowd out” candida or other pathogen overgrowth. (see note below on Serrapeptase ) Probiotics – twice daily. Astaxanthin – one of the most powerful antioxidants providing global cellular protection. Phase One - Follow these recommendations for 3-4 weeks: Test urine pH first thing in the morning and adjust your diet until readings are consistently 6.5 -7.4. Acidosis is a “dis-ease” underlying many health conditions. Dry body brush daily for 1 week then every 2nd day to encourage lymphatic drainage. Serrapeptase – candida and other pathogens build a protective biofilm once they have set up house in the digestive tract. Take Serrapeptase morning and night on an empty stomach to break down the biofilm. Aloe vera 3 tbsp before meals to promote digestion and collagen production for intestinal healing. Aloe has powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties. Spirulina and/or chlorella taken in 1,000 mg doses 3-4 times daily will bind to biotoxins caused by any “die off” and lessen reactions. Also a heavy metal scavenger. Homeopathic Apis, internally and/or externally, can temporarily relieve hive-like symptoms. Phase Two - When your system has settled Reduce serrapeptase to once at bedtime. Begin to introduce foods one at a time and keep a journal noting reactions. Continue with spirulina, aloe, and glutamine until the condition is fully resolved. Specific Diet for Elevated Histamine & Sensitivity Symptoms of histamine sensitivity may be relieved by avoiding certain foods, however, this diet is restrictive and long term nutritional deficiencies could result. It may be helpful for you to work with a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Some experts recommend an elimination diet – removing all suspect foods for 2 to 4 weeks, then slowly reintroducing foods one at a time and keeping careful track of any reactions to identify individual sensitivities. There are 3 categories of foods that can impact on histamine sensitivity: Foods that are high in histamine. Foods that may trigger cells to release histamine (liberators). DAO is an enzyme needed to break down histamine. Consumption of other foods that need DAO can slow the breakdown of histamine resulting in symptoms. High in Histamine: Processed Meats Fermented foods Aged cheese Wine / Beer Spinach Eggplant Tomato Avocado Trigger Histamine Release: Milk Shellfish Eggs Kiwi Strawberry Plum Pineapple Compete for DAO: Pickled Food Canned food Chocolate / Cocoa Vinegars Wheatgerm Yeast extract Black / Mate Teas Bananas Nuts Food Prep for Histamine Sensitivity: Plan meals ahead Fresh food is best Store food in the fridge and use it up quickly Keep meals simple Stop eating when you feel satiated - before you feel full Have (refrigerated) snacks ready such as washed grapes, celery sticks, and cottage cheese, apple slices and natural peanut butter Keep a journal of everything you eat, the time of day, and any symptoms that occur DAO (diamine oxidase) is a copper dependent enzyme. Increase your intake of copper rich foods. Zinc competes for absorption with copper. If you regularly supplement zinc intermittent use of a copper supplement will help prevent a deficiency. *Revised March 2023
woman using a gua sha
By April Allen June 17, 2024
This information is not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription drugs. The lymphatic system drains waste from every cell in the body and pounds of plaque from the brain each year. It plays a major role in immunity and is a delivery service for fats and amino acids. A congested lymphatic system can result in fatigue, pain, a weakened immune system, changes in the skin, and weight gain. It functions best with regular exercise, and simple nutrition properly combined and consumed at the correct times. A Supportive Diet 7-10 glasses filtered or spring water. Avoid chlorinated water. Organic food is free of pesticides and hormones linked to various diseases. Consume a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Very important. Make fruits, vegetables, raw seeds and nuts, beans, legumes, and whole grains your diet mainstays. Avoid wheat unless sprouted. Fermented foods improve digestion, assimilation, and correct pH. Avoid heavy protein after lunch for better digestion of amino acids. 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar and honey (opt) in water with meals for digestion. 1-3 tbsp ground flax, hemp or chia seeds for fiber, nutrients, and fatty acids. Cook gently. High heat generates acrylamides and advanced glycation end products. Herbs for Cleansing the Lymphatic System Astragalus is a rejuvenating tonic for the lymphatic system and a boost to the immune system. When the lymphatic system is congested or toxic, immunity is impaired which can result in hypersensitivity reactions anywhere, but particularly on the skin. Echinacea is an outstanding lymphatic cleanser and like astragalus, it has strong immune boosting properties. Ginger has a beneficial effect on the collecting ducts of the intestines and gives a natural boost and cleanse to the lymphatic system as a whole. Therapies, Exercise, and More The lymphatic system moves primarily via muscle contractions and exercise. A sedentary lifestyle leads to congestion. You can manually move lymphatic fluid by dry body brushing. Instructions are available. Favourite foods for the lymphatic system are the “reds”. Pomegranates, berries, beets, acai, and their juices are a tonic. One of the best exercises for lymphatic vitality is rebounding. Just an easy “happy bounce” for 2-5 minutes a few times each day can get stagnant material moving. The gentle upward bounce meets up with 100,000 pounds per square inch of gravity to push you back down. You get muscle toning and lymphatic “massage” with every bounce! In iridology heavy lymphatic congestion is visible as a dark ring around the iris of the eye called a scurf rim (easy to spot in blue, grey, green or light hazel eyes). Some customers have been amazed to watch this ring disappear after several weeks of lymphatic cleansing. Avoid restrictive clothing. The lymphatic system needs to free flow! If congestion is severe the German homeopathic preparation Lymphdiaral is specifically designed to promote lymphatic flow. There is also a topical formula that can be applied directly to swollen nodules. The swelling can disappear minutes after application! There are many lymphatic drainage tutorials online. Or if you prefer a professional, there are holistic practitioners such as Bloom With Raven in Lindsay. Fresh air and exercise are foods for Life. Breathe deeply, exhale completely. The lymphatic system is vulnerable to damage through inactivity, unwholesome foods and fats, or chemicals for any length of time. To heal and restore we recommend the following supplements to cover common deficiencies and for maintenance of good health. Supplements – to cover common deficiencies Bio-Strath – a source of B complex vitamins, improves digestion, relieves fatigue, protects cells from damage. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids – anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. Vitamin D – 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to the upper limit of 4,000 IU anti-inflammatory, steroid precursor, strengthens immune system. Magnesium – more than 300 biochemical processes in the human body, aids in digestion and assimilation, strengthens muscles and nerves. Omega 3 fatty acids – aid in assimilation of other fats, anti-inflammatory. Probiotics – we recommend intermittent use to strengthen immunity, correct pH, prevent inflammation. Journal and track your progress for 3-4 months. If you are in great health already and just want to tone the system 3-4 weeks is sufficient. Good Health Happens by Design, not by Chance! *Revised February 2023
By Jonathan Tessier June 4, 2024
Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Rosacea
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