Before you take the advice from a gossip magazine on what “worked” for a famous celebrity, it’s important to ensure you are enhancing your wellness in harmony with your surroundings.
Rather than working against your body’s natural responses during the cold winter months, focus on optimizing your wellness by providing whole body nourishment with the following healthy habits…
There are only two optimal times to deeply cleanse during the year, and the start of a new year is not one of those times. In ayurvedic medicine, you are encouraged to optimally support your body based on the season and the external environment.
If you think about our external surroundings in winter, it’s cold, crisp, dry and dark. Well, our internal mind, body and soul tend to reflect our surroundings.
We add layers to retain warmth and protect our skin from the dry crisp air, our digestive system can become stagnant and slow leading to constipation, our mind can become spacey and our thought patterns can become dark.
Naturally, our bodies try to hold on to everything in the winter months including weight to preserve energy and warmth, which will nourish and replenish our mind, body and soul.
When we enhance a cleansing action with laxatives and herbal remedies during the winter months, we are creating a cold damp environment internally in which our vitality and energy can decrease leading to low immune system and lack of nutrient support.
Rather than working against your body’s natural responses during the cold winter months, focus on optimizing your wellness by providing whole body nourishment with the following healthy habits:
I invite you to change your perspective on a fresh start this year by living in harmony with your surroundings this winter; making mindful, realistic and sustainable lifestyle changes that will keep your motivated and inspired along your wellness journey.
We would love to see how you are making healthy changes in the near year. Please tag us on social media to connect @joannesplace
Happy New Year!
Inspiring a balanced lifestyle through holistic nutrition, yoga + meditation
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