By Jonathan Tessier
June 21, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription medication. Colorectal cancer is one of the top four cancers diagnosed in Canada each year, and is the 2nd and 3rd leading cause of death from cancer in men and women respectively. And rates are significantly increasing in young adults in recent years . Reducing your risk by making healthy lifestyle choices is extremely important. Make a few changes at a time and see how you feel. A Nourishing Diet Drink 7-10 glasses of filtered or spring water. Chlorine destroys healthy gut flora. Eat a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Three quarters of your food each day should be fruits, vegetables, and a few alkalizing seeds, nuts, and whole grains. All animal products are acid/mucous forming. This is one of the least talked about and most important factors in eating for cellular health. A chart is available here . Diets high in red meat and/or processed meat can also increase risk of colorectal cancer. Eat in moderation. Fibre is extremely important - see below Go organic. Pesticides, chemicals, and growth hormones are carcinogenic. Some people enjoy c ombining foods for optimum digestion: fruits on an empty stomach 30 minutes before other foods – starches and animal products digest in very different gastric secretions and should not be eaten at the same meal. Fermented kimchi and sauerkraut improve digestion, elimination, and pH. As well as fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir. Consume 1-3 tbsp ground flax. The lignans in flax slow the conversion of healthy hormones into pseudo hormones like dihydrotestosterone associated with cancer. Molasses and manuka honey are sweetly beneficial for the bowels. Replace salt with Herbamare for all the flavour but 1/3 the sodium. 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar and honey (opt) improves digestion and elimination. 1-2 cups of coffee has a protective effect on the bowel and stimulates elimination. Cook gently. High heat generates acrylamides & advanced glycation end products. Eliminate alcohol and cigarettes. Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco bth increase the risk of cancer. Basic Supplements - To cover common deficiencies Bio-Strath – provides complete B vitamins as well as numerous other essential nutrients. Improves digestion, elimination, stress tolerance, energy, and pH. Vitamin C – anti-inflammatory, improves elimination. Vitamin D - 8,000 IU for one month then decrease to upper limit of 4,000 IU – a deficiency is a known cause of colon cancer. Chlorophyll (a food source of magnesium) – necessary for assimilation of other nutrients and proper hydration and muscle function in the bowel, heals ulcerations. Omega-3 fatty acids – modulates inflammation, lubricates the colon. Probiotics – intermittent use strengthen digestion, reduce inflammation and correct pH. Extra Colon Care Invest in a toilet stool to facilitate “squatting”. It’s essential that your thighs support your colon to ensure the lower portion of the bowel empties completely. A colon cleanse once or twice a year ensures the colon is clean and healthy. For a few days eliminate grains, meat, and dairy (which have a slow transit time). Upon rising, take 1 heaping tablespoon of fiber* with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in an 8 oz glass of warm water. Follow with a 2nd glass of warm water. Don’t eat or drink anything else for at least 30 minutes. Repeat in the evening on an empty stomach (omit the 2nd glass of water so you won’t be up all night. Fiber options: Ground flax contains several forms of fiber with multiple health benefits. Psyllium husk is primarily insoluble fiber, so it forms a real “brush” for the intestine and colon walls. NutraCleanse is the Cadillac of fibers containing both flax and psyllium and other herbal roots to deeply cleanse and detoxify. An ascorbic acid flush (vitamin C) is beneficial once a year. The positive effects of vitamin C in cancer treatment and prevention have been documented in some studies . There is adequate water and fiber in the diet suggestions but if your bowel is sluggish at first, use extra molasses, fermented vegetables, and chlorophyll to promote regularity. As your colon gets stronger you’ll need less. Fresh air, sunshine, and exercise are all important for every aspect of health. Breathe deeply, exhale thoroughly! Keep all pathways of elimination open. Dry body brush to clear skin pores and promote good lymphatic drainage. Move! Movement of any kind - workouts, walking, swimming, dancings, etc. - is beneficial for the colon. Yoga is particularly beneficial. Asanas such as the twist pictured below have the positive effect of strengthening the colon and improving elimination naturally. Keep a journal and track your progress. Many people find they enjoy multiple health benefits. *Revised December 2024