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Digestive System

By April Allen January 30, 2025
Your body is home to trillions of microorganisms that play a vital role in your overall health. These tiny communities—your microbiome—exist in different areas, including your gut, mouth, lungs, skin,
Text: Enzyme's and Digestion. 

Underneath is a display of how Enzymes work in the body.
By Jonathan Tessier January 14, 2025
An enzyme is a type of protein found within our cells. They create chemical reactions in the body, and can actually speed up the rate of a chemical reaction to help support life.
By Jonathan Tessier June 26, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription medication. Fortunately today there are a wide variety of delicious gluten free foods available. The following are suggestions for a nourishing diet that will benefit those with celiac disease. Drink 7-10 glasses of room temperature filtered or spring water. Consume a diet that is 75-80% alkaline. An acidic system is prone to inflammation. Switch up to organic food. There are indications that pesticides, genetically modified organisms, and artificial hormones are linked to the development of celiac disease. Fresh vegetables, colourful fruits, beans, seeds, and nuts are great mainstays for healthy living. Nutritious gluten free wholegrains are quinoa, millet, teff, and pure oats. Combine foods for optimum digestion: fruit on an empty stomach 30 minutes before others foods. Starches and animal products need very different digestive secretions and should not be eaten at the same meal. 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar and honey (opt) in water with meals improves digestion, corrects pH, balances blood sugar, and reduces fat storage. Fermented foods improve digestion and help maintain a healthy pH. 1-3 tbsp of ground flax, hemp, or chia seeds provide fiber, nutrients, and fatty acids. While the single most important factor in managing celiac disease is the absolute avoidance of gluten, the disease itself can cause malabsorption issues that interfere with your body’s ability to digest nutrients and put them to use. Most people have excellent results taking the following supplements regularly. Bio-Strath tablets or tincture – This fermented wholefood tonic is extremely easy to digest and provides a multitude of essential nutrients while improving your absorption of nutrients from food. Do not use the elixir which contains barley malt. B12 Sublingual (taken under the tongue) 1,000-5,000 micrograms daily. Vitamin D 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to the upper limit of 4,000 IU – this is one of the most common deficiencies in Canada. Magnesium is necessary to activate vitamin D and for absorption of other nutrients. Essential Fatty Acids – important for intestinal health. Probiotics – intermittent use to balance gut flora and improve digestion. Bio-Strath is an excellent source of B complex vitamins, and it can gradually strengthen your body’s ability to absorb and utilize vitamins and minerals. The most abundant amino acid used in the digestive system is glutamine . If you are newly diagnosed or in acute discomfort, a 2-3 month course of glutamine can help speed healing. Additional Tips Keep all pathways of elimination open. As your diet improves and your body gets stronger it will purge any accumulated waste in your system. Dry body brush to keep skin pores clear and the lymphatic system flowing. Take sufficient magnesium to keep bowels moving easily. A gluten free diet may seem daunting at first, but it is a great opportunity to explore new natural food alternatives. There are many more foods that you can eat than you can’t 😊 Gluten is difficult for everyone to digest, and more people are choosing a gluten free diet simply in the interest of better nutrition. Some of our healthiest clients are those who were diagnosed early with celiac and by necessity made life enhancing choices they now appreciate. Enjoy quality time outdoors. Exercise and fresh air are so beneficial for healthy digestion. Keep a journal and track your progress. Many people find that by eliminating gluten, following the dietary and supplement suggestions, their overall health improves in multiple ways. We hope you have that same positive experience. *Revised September 2024
By Jonathan Tessier June 21, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription medication. Colorectal cancer is one of the top four cancers diagnosed in Canada each year, and is the 2nd and 3rd leading cause of death from cancer in men and women respectively. And rates are significantly increasing in young adults in recent years . Reducing your risk by making healthy lifestyle choices is extremely important. Make a few changes at a time and see how you feel. A Nourishing Diet Drink 7-10 glasses of filtered or spring water. Chlorine destroys healthy gut flora. Eat a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Three quarters of your food each day should be fruits, vegetables, and a few alkalizing seeds, nuts, and whole grains. All animal products are acid/mucous forming. This is one of the least talked about and most important factors in eating for cellular health. A chart is available here . Diets high in red meat and/or processed meat can also increase risk of colorectal cancer. Eat in moderation. Fibre is extremely important - see below Go organic. Pesticides, chemicals, and growth hormones are carcinogenic. Some people enjoy c ombining foods for optimum digestion: fruits on an empty stomach 30 minutes before other foods – starches and animal products digest in very different gastric secretions and should not be eaten at the same meal. Fermented kimchi and sauerkraut improve digestion, elimination, and pH. As well as fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir. Consume 1-3 tbsp ground flax. The lignans in flax slow the conversion of healthy hormones into pseudo hormones like dihydrotestosterone associated with cancer. Molasses and manuka honey are sweetly beneficial for the bowels. Replace salt with Herbamare for all the flavour but 1/3 the sodium. 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar and honey (opt) improves digestion and elimination. 1-2 cups of coffee has a protective effect on the bowel and stimulates elimination. Cook gently. High heat generates acrylamides & advanced glycation end products. Eliminate alcohol and cigarettes. Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco bth increase the risk of cancer. Basic Supplements - To cover common deficiencies Bio-Strath – provides complete B vitamins as well as numerous other essential nutrients. Improves digestion, elimination, stress tolerance, energy, and pH. Vitamin C – anti-inflammatory, improves elimination. Vitamin D - 8,000 IU for one month then decrease to upper limit of 4,000 IU – a deficiency is a known cause of colon cancer. Chlorophyll (a food source of magnesium) – necessary for assimilation of other nutrients and proper hydration and muscle function in the bowel, heals ulcerations. Omega-3 fatty acids – modulates inflammation, lubricates the colon. Probiotics – intermittent use strengthen digestion, reduce inflammation and correct pH. Extra Colon Care Invest in a toilet stool to facilitate “squatting”. It’s essential that your thighs support your colon to ensure the lower portion of the bowel empties completely. A colon cleanse once or twice a year ensures the colon is clean and healthy. For a few days eliminate grains, meat, and dairy (which have a slow transit time). Upon rising, take 1 heaping tablespoon of fiber* with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in an 8 oz glass of warm water. Follow with a 2nd glass of warm water. Don’t eat or drink anything else for at least 30 minutes. Repeat in the evening on an empty stomach (omit the 2nd glass of water so you won’t be up all night. Fiber options: Ground flax contains several forms of fiber with multiple health benefits. Psyllium husk is primarily insoluble fiber, so it forms a real “brush” for the intestine and colon walls. NutraCleanse is the Cadillac of fibers containing both flax and psyllium and other herbal roots to deeply cleanse and detoxify. An ascorbic acid flush (vitamin C) is beneficial once a year. The positive effects of vitamin C in cancer treatment and prevention have been documented in some studies . There is adequate water and fiber in the diet suggestions but if your bowel is sluggish at first, use extra molasses, fermented vegetables, and chlorophyll to promote regularity. As your colon gets stronger you’ll need less. Fresh air, sunshine, and exercise are all important for every aspect of health. Breathe deeply, exhale thoroughly! Keep all pathways of elimination open. Dry body brush to clear skin pores and promote good lymphatic drainage. Move! Movement of any kind - workouts, walking, swimming, dancings, etc. - is beneficial for the colon. Yoga is particularly beneficial. Asanas such as the twist pictured below have the positive effect of strengthening the colon and improving elimination naturally. Keep a journal and track your progress. Many people find they enjoy multiple health benefits. *Revised December 2024
doctor pointing to intestine diagram
By April Allen June 18, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription medication. In conditions like diverticulitis, it’s wise to take Hippocrates’s advice and “Let your food be your medicine!” 😊 By slowly implementing lifestyle and dietary changes, you can enjoy good health by design! Digestion Basics Chew food thoroughly and mix with saliva. The act of chewing causes a reflex action in the gut, strengthening digestion. Chew more = digest better. Eat fruit on an empty stomach and wait 20-30 minutes before any other food. Have complete proteins and heavy starches at separate meals. Have complete proteins no later than lunch for better digestion of amino acids. Give food your full attention. Stop when satiated, a little before you’re full. Avoid eating in the evening. Herbal teas are a healthful alternative. If you are experiencing acute symptoms consume only clear broth for 2-3 days. A Healing Diet – to reduce inflammation and maximize nutrition 7-10 glasses of filter or spring water. Chlorine destroys healthy bacterial flora. Eat foods that are 75-80% alkaline forming. The more food is cooked the more acid forming it is. (Most important) Make vegetables, fruits, nut butters, legumes, beans, and wholegrains your diet mainstays. Have wheat only if sprouted. Soak beans and legumes overnight. Animal products are acid and mucous forming. Eat sparingly. Organic food is best to nourish yourself being free of chemicals and pesticides. Fermented kimchi, sauerkraut, and coconut kefir improve digestion and pH. 2-3 tsp apple cider vinegar and manuka honey (opt) in water with meals improves digestion, corrects pH, and encourages the production of healthy bacteria. Fiber is extremely important. Use finely ground flax or oat bran. Red lentils are easy to digest and an excellent source of protein and fiber. Use Herbamare for full flavour of salt but 1/3 the sodium and added potassium. Cook food gently. High heat generates acrylamides and advanced glycation end products, both associated with inflammation. Supplements – to avoid common deficiencies Bio-Strath – B vitamins for digestion, increased stress tolerance, balanced pH. B12 sublingual 5,000 mcg – a common deficiency with diverticulitis. Vitamin C* – anti-inflammatory reduces symptoms of diverticulitis. Vitamin D - 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to upper limit of 4,000 IU. Chlorophyll * (magnesium) - stool softener, important for absorption, motility, and elimination. Heals ulcerated and inflamed tissue in the intestines and colon. Omega 3 fatty acids – aids in healing digestive tract. Probiotics – take daily at varying times of the day *Take enough chlorophyll and vitamin C to keep stools soft and promote two bowel movements daily. Short Term Special Care – use one or more to promote rapid healing Use a complete digestive enzyme including betaine HCI. In time, the enzyme and apple cider vinegar will improve your own production of acid and supplementation will not be necessary. Glutamine – needed for smooth muscle tissue in the intestines. Corrects pH. Aloe vera – heals ulcerations, inhibits pathogen growth, improves digestion. Vitamin A 0 10,000 IU for healthy membranes in the digestive tract. Charcoal capsules are helpful if you experience severe symptoms. There are collection ducts on the intestines that drain into the lymphatic system for removal of waste and bacteria. Congestion can result in inflammation. Consider dry body brushing daily to keep the lymphatic system moving smoothly. It feels great! Fresh air, sunshine, and movement are foods for Life. Breathe deeply into the abdomen, exhale fully. Sit and stand tall and avoid restrictive clothing. Digestion needs room to move and function properly. Try to be patient 😊 It took time for this condition to develop, and it will take time to heal. When your digestion has improved we recommend you continue with the dietary suggestions and basic supplements to maintain your gain. Love your gut and it will take care of you. Remember - you are meant to be happy and healthy! *Revised September 2024
By April Allen June 18, 2024
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. Its well known for its role in healing disorders associated with smooth muscle tissue, such as leaky gut. Glutamine is also a precursor to the neurotransmitter glutamate. A lack of glutamine can result in disorders such as epilepsy. Here are some other potential health benefits. Slows aging of the brain. Promotes muscle growth. Helps reduce sugar cravings. Enhances a sense of well-being. Can improve athletic performance. Decreases post workout recovery time. Aids in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal. Plays an important role in several immune functions. Helps reduce muscle wasting after menopause and andropause. May be beneficial in the treatment of brain related diseases such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. Especially useful in the treatment of all cases of intestinal inflammation including Crohn’s, leaky gut, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, IBS, and food sensitivities. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties protect the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of developing hypertension, obesity and diabetes. Glutamine is available in supplement form. When a condition is resolved, and underlying causes corrected, regular consumption of foods high in glutamine should be sufficient to maintain good health. The best sources of glutamine are whey, seafood, dairy products, eggs and lean meats. Vegetable sources include beans, nuts, spinach, red cabbage, leafy greens, and asparagus . Anyone with an existing serious health condition should use glutamine only under the supervision of a health care practitioner. Consult your pharmacist if you take prescription medication. Another great remedy from the natural medicine cupboard!
By April Allen June 18, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels for contraindications and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription medication. In our experience IBS can be related to a variety of underlying causes but the most common are stress, chemical sensitivities, nutrient deficiencies, and diet. One of the best dietary strategies for IBS is proper food combining: Keep meals simple. Give food your full attention. Have your largest meal at noon. Eat fresh fruit only on an empty stomach and allow at least 30 minutes to pass before eating anything else. Never combine a heavy protein (meat, fish, poultry, soy, eggs, dairy) with a complex carbohydrate (pasta, potato, bread). More ideas for a healing diet: Drink 7-10 room temperature glasses filtered or spring water. Avoid chlorine. Shift up to organic foods. Many IBS sufferers have chemical sensitivities. Make your meals 75-80% alkaline forming. Focus on lightly cooked fresh vegetables, colourful fruits, nuts, seeds, and their butters, beans and legumes (soak overnight before cooking). Meats and grains are acid forming so consume in moderation. Apple cider vinegar as a condiment or sipped in water with meals improves digestion, helps correct pH, and reduces symptoms of IBS. 1-3 tbsp ground flax provides fiber to promote normal bowel function, and essential fatty acids for improved intestinal health. Avoid snacking. Your digestion will be stronger if it is not continuously taxed. If you are hungry between meals have warm herbal tea or savory clear broth. Better Than Boullion, Umeboshi or Miso are delicious ways to satiate hunger. We find there are certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies that occur frequently. Most people benefit from regular use of the following: Bio-Strath – a wholefood tonic that provides a broad range of vital nutrients. It improves pH and digestion and reduces stress. Vitamin D – 8,000 IU for one month then 4,000 IU daily. A deficiency is associated with various diseases and inflammation. Calcium/Magnesium with K2 – provides important alkaline molecules - strengthens digestion and intestinal health. Start slowly to avoid diarrhea. Essential fatty acids – unless you eat fish 3-5 times weekly it’s a good idea to supplement with extra EFA’s. Probiotics – intermittent use promotes a healthy microbiome and reduces IBS flareups. We have had good success with Living Alchemy’s Terrain and Soothe. Some Extra Care: Glutamine is important for maintenance and repair of the digestive tract. Use it for a few weeks or anytime you experience a period of flare ups. Traditional Medicine’s Tulsi (Holy Basil) with Ginger Tea is helpful after meals to reduce stress and prevent spasms. Fennel seed tea is also helpful. It is traditionally used in Indian cooking for its licorice like flavour and improved digestion. Stress Busters: Rhodiola is helpful for reducing stress and calming a reactive digestive system. Rhythmic breathing – the simple things are often the most important. Simply breathe deeply into your belly several times a day and let go of the stress you hold there. This practice is good for your mental and physical well-being. Get outside and enjoy fresh and exercise every day. The Earth constantly emits an ionic field that provides balance for our mind and body. Limit online and cell phone activity to reduce EMF exposure. Health challenges are always an opportunity. It’s Nature’s way of inviting us to try something new. Life is such a gift 😊 *Revised February 2023
By April Allen June 17, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription medications. Most adults would benefit from a parasite cleanse every couple of years. People who travel to the tropics or work/live with animals are at higher risk. Young children with suspected parasites should be treated by a health professional. The key to ending parasite infections is to change the environment. If there is no food supply and the pH of the body is correct, they will die off naturally. An anti-parasite diet and cleanse should be undertaken for at least 30 days to ensure no eggs have been left behind to hatch at a later date. Diet 7-10 glasses of room temperature filtered or spring water. Consume 75-80% alkaline forming foods. Correcting pH is important. Organic foods are the safest way to nourish yourself – a wise investment! Make fresh fruits, vegetables, raw seeds and nuts, beans, legumes, and whole grains mainstays of your diet. Avoid wheat unless sprouted. Animal products are a source of inflammatory arachidonic acid. Eat sparingly. Eat heavy protein no later than lunch for better assimilation of amino acids. Have raw garlic, pumpkin seeds, pomegranates, beets, yams, and carrots. Fermented kimchi and sauerkraut help improve digestion and balance pH. Take 1 tsp (or more) raw coconut oil 3 times (or more) daily. Use 1-3 tbsp ground flax, hemp or chia daily for fibre and nutrition. Have 2 tsp apple cider vinegar and manuka honey (opt) in room temperature water with meals to improve digestion and correct pH. Basic Supplements Bio-Strath tablets – B complex plus immune boosting nutrients, corrects pH. Vitamin C – antioxidant, supports the immune system, helps regulate bowels. Vitamin D 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to the upper limit of 4,000 IU – anti-inflammatory, supports immune function. Chlorophyll – a source of magnesium, hydrates the colon, heals damaged tissue. Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids – double up on label directions for one week to “crowd out” parasites and other pathogens then follow label recommendations. Probiotics – daily to maintain a healthy microbiome. Hint: Intestinal parasites can lay eggs in less than 24 hours so if your bowels are sluggish take enough chlorophyll and vitamin C to ensure at least 2 easy bowels movements daily. The dietary guidelines will provide enough fluid and fibre to eventually allow your bowels to function normally. Remedies for Parasites - For Use Until The Problem is Resolved Black walnut combination is an effective remedy against most parasites. Serrapeptase taken morning and bedtime on an empty stomach breaks down the protective barrier parasites build around their dwelling place. Cloves, cinnamon, ginger, and coconut cream or oil make a warming tea to combat parasites and aid with nausea. Spirulina can help during the die-of phase to quickly eliminate biotoxins. Prevention Wash produce thoroughly with a veggie wash (Like Nature Clean's which we carry) or baking soda and water. Cook meats and fish thoroughly and sanitize cutting boards with a natural disinfectant like grapefruit seed extract after use. Get plenty of fresh air and exercise. A well oxygenated system doesn’t support parasite occupation. Breathe deeply, exhale completely. Have at least 8 hours sleep and several rest breaks during every 24 hour period. Your unwelcome guests can hijack your nutrients and deplete your energy. If you have followed the dietary suggestions carefully for 4-5 weeks your intestinal tract should be clear of parasites and their eggs. If symptoms reoccur, such as intestinal pain, nausea/vomiting, extreme fatigue or diarrhea, it’s time to consult a practitioner. Many people find a variety of health issues improve when they adopt this diet and basic supplement program. *Revised February 2023
By April Allen June 17, 2024
Prebiotics are a source of food for your gut's healthy bacteria!
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