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Diets, Eating Habits, & Cleanses

A clock in the middle with an assortment of food underneath and the text
By Jonathan Tessier January 28, 2025
What is Chrononutrition? Chrononutrition is the science of how food, metabolism, meal timing, and your body clock interact. More research is currently needed, but for now, scientists are trying to understand how your body responds to food at different times of the day. They are interested in whether these factors influence metabolic health and the risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes. How it effects your body We usually eat our largest meal toward the end of the day. So, chrononutrition researchers are trying to understand whether it's better to eat earlier in the day or later at night. In one study , a group of scientists followed 420 people on a 20-week weight-loss plan. The researchers split the groups into those who ate their main meal earlier and those who ate it later. They found that participants who ate their main meal earlier in the day lost more weight than the late eaters, even though both groups consumed similar amounts of food. Blood Sugar Levels When your body breaks down a meal, sugars enter your blood as glucose. Your body responds to this rise in blood sugar by releasing insulin. Scientists have shown that our body’s ability to control blood sugar varies across the day. On average, blood glucose responses appear to be better in the morning than in the afternoon . Fat Like glucose levels, after eating, levels of fat in the blood rise. However, they rise and fall much slower than blood glucose, taking hours to return to normal. Evidence suggests that our blood fat levels also change throughout the day. For instance, a study on healthy men found that their blood fat levels were higher after lunch than after breakfast — even though the two meals were identical. Avoid Late-Night Meals Avoiding late-night meals is an important part of chrononutrition. The body has a hormonal response any time you eat anything. If you eat late at night, when you're not using much energy, you'll increase your hunger and appetite. What’s more, late-night eating is linked to impaired metabolic function. In the evening, blood glucose levels are high and since you're not moving around as much, it stays that way. By eating during the day time, you can lower nighttime blood sugar levels. How to Get Your Eating Schedule on Track It can be hard to avoid a late-night meal, but if you're snacking before bed or eating late, it will impact your health. Luckily, it's easy to get yourself back on track. First things first, you should be practicing a healthy sleep cycle and try to go to bed at the same time everyday, since your eating habits often revolve around that. Try to make a schedule for mealtimes and stick to it. Try to eat breakfast later in the morning and have dinner earlier, if possible. If you sleep from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., have breakfast an hour after waking—sometime between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.. If you have to eat later than usual, try to make it healthy. High carbohydrate and fatty foods are not ideal for late-night meals so try to go for protein if you can. Conclusion The time of day that you eat has an impact on your health, but as long as you maintain a strict meal schedule and avoid eating at night you should be fine. If you do need to eat later than usual, try to make sure it's a healthy snack. It doesn't take a lot of work, just perseverance to stick to your schedule. By maintaining a consistent meal routine and making healthier choices, you'll be setting yourself up for better health and well-being. Keep at it, and your body will thank you!
child helping another one reach higher
By Jonathan Tessier June 26, 2024
A cleanse undertaken with minor dietary changes and lifestyle habits will have multiple benefits without further embellishment. If, however, you want to experience more radical change in the outcome, there are some tweaks that can intensify the results of a cleanse. Urine test – maintaining a urine pH between 6.4 and 7.4 allows kidney to safely eliminate circulating acid waste. It is natural that urine will become more acidic as waste is leaving via the urine, but you can tweak your diet to maintain a more alkaline urine reading. Can’t get a reading in the right range? AlkaPure pH can be used when needed during your cleanse to maintain a good pH reading and aid with elimination. Dry body brushing – one of the most important pathways of elimination is the lymphatic system. Dry body brushing can improve lymphatic drainage and increase urinary output of waste. Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme that, when taken on an empty stomach, can scour the body digesting waste deposits throughout the body. Liquid chlorophyll helps control free radical activity and regulates blood sugar to reduce toxic food cravings. Chlorophyll helps heal the digestive tract and acts as a stool softener to ease bowel function. Fiber binds to excess fats and inhibits the reabsorption of waste. NutriCleanse is a detox unto itself, but it is a great addition to any cleanse providing multiple forms of fiber and herbal roots that enhance detoxification and elimination. Spirulina and/or chlorella promote the removal of heavy metals, encourage healthy cell growth, and minimize “die-off” symptoms from candida and other fungus or parasites.
By Jonathan Tessier June 26, 2024
Jo Anne’s Place does not necessarily endorse the Master Cleanse but offers the basic program for information purposes. Many staff and customers perform this modified fast every year and feel it’s an effective reset. The Master Cleanse was developed by Stanley Burroughs in the 1940's. He was very clear in stating that it was not a “cure” for anything. It simply minimizes the amount of energy required for digestion, assimilation, and elimination, allowing the life-force within the body to do what it was designed to do - maintain, repair, and heal. It is recommended that for 3 days prior to starting the Master Cleanse, you consume only fresh fruits and fresh, or lightly cooked, vegetables. Recipe : 2 Tablespoons fresh lemon or lime juice (approx. ½ lemon) 2 Tablespoons real maple syrup (dark is highest in nutrients) 1/10 Teaspoon cayenne pepper (or to taste) 1 Cup cold to medium hot pure water Grate a small amount of lemon zest into the drink to increase cleansing effect (omit this step if not using organic lemons) Consume 8 – 12 drinks per day, and lots of plain water in between. Mint tea or chlorophyll water is an acceptable drink for a change. Elimination : It is important the bowels move efficiently every day. Stanley B. recommends the use of natural laxative herbal supplements or a laxative tea morning and night. As everybody responds differently to laxative herbs, it's a good idea to “experiment” with the product of your choice on your days off before you begin your cleanse so you can anticipate your need for washroom accessibility! Another tool for cleansing the bowel is an internal salt-water bath. Upon rising add 2 teaspoons of unrefined sea salt to one liter of warm water. Drink the entire liter and do not consume anything else for 20-30 minutes. Because whole sea salt has the same specific gravity as blood, it will not be absorbed into the body but will begin to wash through the colon usually within an hour. You may have several movements over the course of the morning. According to Stanley, an individual in reasonably good health can safely continue on this cleanse for up to 10 days or longer. During the cleanse it is normal for the tongue to get heavily coated. This is an indicator of material being stirred up in the colon. When the tongue is pink it indicates that the intestinal tract is clean. A tongue scraper is helpful to remove the buildup and the scraping action has a stimulating reflex action on the digestive tract. You can use an inverted spoon in lieu of a scraper. It’s normal to gag a little.
Panchakarma dish with herbs and limes on top
By Jonathan Tessier June 26, 2024
Do not perform panchakarma if you are pregnant, weak or debilitated. This short version of the cleansing program is from Shannon Sexton, former editor of Yoga International. A full panchakarma program at an Ayurvedic facility would entail extensive use of oils, massage, and other therapeutic treatments. This is to give you a sample of this elegant healing system. Perform this cleanse at a time when you can be quiet, perform gentle exercises such as yoga, practice meditation, and spend time outdoors. This is particularly important for days 4 thru 8. First determine your Ayurvedic constitution (dosha). There are numerous online self-tests. Adopt a diet suited to your dosha at the beginning and plan to continue when the cleanse is completed. Days 1-3 Drink 2 ounces of warm ghee first thing in the morning. If you have high cholesterol or blood pressure have 2 tablespoons of flax oil before meals. Vata should add a pinch of whole salt. At bedtime take ½ -1 tsp of Triphala or capsules, and go to bed.
By Jonathan Tessier June 26, 2024
ReCleanse Herbal Cleanse activates your body’s natural cleansing systems during this one week program. Each person is different based on lifestyle, genetics, and toxic accumulation over years, or even decades! Elimination of these toxins can take more than one week. Repeated use will gradually assist in cleansing and healing the body so you can enjoy an enhanced state of health and wellbeing. ReCleanse consists of two parts: a Multi-System Cleansing Formula, and a Colon Cleansing Formula. A free nutrition guide is included for easy meal planning that integrates healthy food choices. Improved general health, digestion, and energy levels in as little as 7 days!
renewlife cleansmart
By Jonathan Tessier June 26, 2024
Formulated by Naturopathic Doctor, Brenda Watson, this 30-day cleansing system is designed to reduce toxic load and relieve constipation. Over the course of 30 days your body is able to detoxify at progressively deeper levels. By the end of the month many people notice a significant improvement in energy, digestion, and elimination. For those individuals who are burdened with a heavy toxic load, this cleanse can be repeated, and when necessary, taken in half doses to reduce detoxification symptoms. The two part system is easy to use – 2 capsules of formula one in the morning – 2 capsules of formula 2 in the evening. Dietary suggestions are well suited to the average Canadian diet. This has long been a favourite at Jo Anne’s Place for staff and customers who are transitioning to a healthier lifestyle.
By Jonathan Tessier June 26, 2024
This 14 or 30 day homeopathic cleanse works at subtle levels to stimulate detoxification through the liver, kidneys, skin, and lymphatic system. It is generally well tolerated due to the mild dosage of the ingredients. During, and after the cleanse, they recommend increased water, fiber, and antioxidant consumption, in addition to an alkaline forming diet and daily exercise. Because homeopathic remedies work at the energy level, some people may experience a release of suppressed “toxic” emotions. This presents an opportunity to let go of the past and embrace a healthier, more satisfying present. This cleanse is super easy to use. It includes three homeopathic preparations. You simply add 30 drops of each to a 1 liter bottle of water and sip throughout the day. A bottle is included in the 5 week version of the cleanse, as well as mineral tablets to assist in alkalizing the system. Some of our local Naturopaths routinely recommend this product for their patients as part of their healing protocol.
By Jonathan Tessier June 26, 2024
This is an easy detoxification method using fresh organic fruits and vegetables, and a variety of herbal teas. Quoted from “Ageless Recipes from Mother’s Kitchen” by Hannah Kroeger. Day 1 Consume all the fresh fruit you can eat (but no bananas). Good choices are apples, pears, berries, watermelon, pineapple, cherries and citrus fruit. The all fruit day has a powerful cleansing effect on the colon. Day 2 Drink nothing but herbal teas all day. Try peppermint, rosehip, hibiscus, elderberry, etc. Tea can be sweetened with a little raw honey or maple syrup. A full day of consuming only herbal teas releases toxins, salt, and excess calcium deposits from muscles, joints, and organs. Day 3 Consume all the raw and lightly steamed vegetables you want. Day three supplies the digestive tract with mineral rich bulk. Day 4 Make a large pot of broth using organic vegetables such as kale, cauliflower, carrots, onion, garlic, parsley, etc. Season with Herbamare or natural sea salt. Use organic bouillon cubes for flavour. Sip only the broth all day. Day four the blood, lymph, and inner organs are mineralized. Some wonderful Indigenous wisdom! 
cleansing vs detox
By Jonathan Tessier June 26, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription drugs. In ancient times most cultures practiced time honoured purification rituals. Today most people assume their bodies detoxify naturally and they are correct up to a point. However, with stress, pesticides, pollution, chemicals, fast foods, and artificial ingredients, we are bombarded with more toxic material than the human body was designed to handle. An annual or biannual cleanse can boost your body’s efforts to stay clean and healthy. Short Term 7-10 Day Herbal Cleanses Typically this type of cleanse has some dietary restrictions to maximize the cleansing effect of the herbs over a brief period of time. Short term cleanses are well suited to people who have an active lifestyle and follow an optimum diet including organic foods that are primarily alkaline forming. Such a healthy lifestyle results in minimal toxic accumulation and a short cleanse ensures against any hidden pockets of waste. Long Term 30 Day Herbal Cleanses Cleanses undertaken for a month or more allow people to continue to eat a well-balanced diet. These cleanses work slowly but deeply to eliminate waste at a cellular level. This type of cleanse is good for people whose regular dietary practices are closer to the standard Canadian diet – meat and potatoes with some fruits and vegetables, possibly fast food once or twice a week, little or no use of organic products. Flexible Cleanses Flor-Essence and Wholy teas offer options so you can customize your cleanse to your current state of health. An individual whose system is very acidic can start slow and work up. Many staff at Flora take 1 oz of Flor-Essence daily on an ongoing basis and once a year increase to 3-4 oz for a deeper detox.
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