Beets and Beet Juice

Beets and beet juice definitely have their place on the list of superfoods.  Here are some of the amazing benefits they offer:

  • Beets are high in nitrates which convert into nitric oxide.  Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow to muscles.

  • Beet juice improves oxygen flow to muscle tissue increasing nitric oxide levels, improving endurance and performance.

  • For individuals with circulatory problems, beets and beet juice can significantly improve blood flow.

  • Regular consumption may reduce amyloid plaque associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Just 5 ounces of beet juice daily can reduce blood pressure and vessel inflammation.

  • Beets’ iron content supports optimum liver health.

  • This colourful vegetable is high in antioxidants providing free radical protection for the whole body.

Easy Vegan Beetroot Soup


  • 4-5 medium beets – scrubbed and trimmed of hard bits, diced

  • 1 large potato peeled and diced, or ½ small cauliflower chopped

  • 2 stalks celery washed and chopped

  • 2 cloves garlic (optional)

  • ½ tsp celery seed

  • 2 bay leaves

  • 1 cup coconut cream

  • Vegetable broth to cover vegetables

  • Bragg’s Liquid Seasoning or Coconut Aminos 

  • Vegan yogurt (for non-vegetarians’ sour cream is the classic)


  • In a large saucepan combine beets, potato or cauliflower, celery and garlic and cover with broth.
  • Bring to a boil then reduce and simmer covered until the vegetables are soft - about 15-20 minutes.

  • Let soup cool sufficiently to transfer safely to a blender.

  • Remove bay leaves and blend until velvety smooth.

  • Add coconut cream a little at a time until you reach the desired colour and consistency.

  • Add Bragg’s or Coconut Aminos to taste.

  • Return soup to the pot and warm up.

  • Serve with freshly ground black pepper and a dollop of yoghurt.

  • Makes 3-4 servings.

Jo Anne's Place Staff

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Our highly trained staff are here to help. Our Product Educators have vast knowledge and experience with the products we carry in our stores - whether they take them themselves, have taken brand training, or have received feedback from customers. 

Please visit one of our stores to chat with them about we can help support you and get you feeling your best!

By April Allen 26 Jun, 2024
Celebrate Canada with these wholesome and festive recipes. They're fun and full of nutritious ingredients - great for all ages!
By Jonathan Tessier 26 Jun, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take medication. A holistic approach to health requires a look at all areas of your life. Make a few changes at a time. Each positive change is a variable in your body’s favour that can improve the outcome. Breast cancer is one of the three most common cancers doctors see today. Prevention is wisdom! Diet - Antioxidants and Alkalinity are Keys to Anti-Inflammatory = Anticarcinogenic Drink 7-10 filtered or spring water. Chlorine destroy healthy gut bacteria. Eat a diet that is 75-80% alkalizing. A chart is available. Maintaining a slightly alkaline body chemistry is one of the least talked about and most important factors in cancer prevention. You can monitor urine pH if you have an interest. Cruciferous vegetables contain a compound, indole-3-carbinol, that helps maintain healthy hormone levels, as well as other anticarcinogenic compounds. Animal products are a source of inflammatory arachidonic acid. Eat sparingly. Switch to organic food. Pesticides and growth hormones are hormone interrupters. Eat complete protein no later than lunch for better assimilation of amino acids. Have 1-3 tbsp ground flax. The lignans in flax slow the conversion of healthy hormones into pseudo hormones like dihydrotestosterone associated with inflammation. Replace salt with Herbamare for all of the flavour and 1/3 the sodium. Herbamare contains kelp, a natural source of iodine. The two largest concentrations of iodine in the human body are the thyroid and breasts. Cook gently. High heat produces acrylamides & advanced glycation end products. Basic Supplements - To Cover Common Deficiencies Bio-Strath – B vitamins and essential nutrients. Improves digestion & stress tolerance. Vitamin C – anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic. Vitamin D 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to upper limit of 4,000 IU – researchers at the University of California estimate that 350,000 cases of breast cancer in the US could be avoided with sufficient vitamin D. And they’re in a much sunnier climate! Omega-3 fatty acids – modulate inflammation. Magnesium – a common deficiency that has more than 300 biochemical functions. Probiotics – intermittent use to balance pH and build a healthy microbiome. Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful antioxidants known. It protects cells at every level from oxidation and free radical damage. Healthy Lifestyle Choices Avoid antiperspirants containing aluminum, parabens, and other hormone interrupters. These compounds have been found in breast tissue removed nearest the armpit. Eliminate single use plastics such as water bottles and cans that contain BPA. Avoid alcohol. Even moderate consumption is associated with an increased risk of cancer. Wear clothing that breathes. Tight bras and clothing impede waste drainage from breast tissue into the lymphatic system. In studies women who wear their bras for long periods of time (12 hours or more) increase their risk of cancer. The lymphatic system drains and carries waste from every cell of the body. Dry body brush a few times a week to encourage flow and improve circulation. Flor-Essence is an Ojibwa healing tea that several customers and staff use regularly for detoxification and hormone balance. Exercise makes you feel great, increases lymphatic drainage, optimizes weight, balances hormones, oxygenates your blood, and clears stored lactic acid and CO2. Any movement is good, moderate is better , and outdoors is best! Breathe deeply, exhale thoroughly. If you are urine testing, monitor and make adjustments until you are consistently in the optimum pH range of 6.5-7.4. Testing first thing in the morning is best. Emotions play an important part in balancing the chemistry of the body. Journaling can help you stay in touch with your inner world fostering a healthy emotional steadiness. Many people find when they adopt these suggestions, their health improves on multiple levels. Life is such a gift, and you are meant to be healthy and happy! *Revised February 2023
By Jonathan Tessier 26 Jun, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription medications. The following diet and supplements are to cover possible nutritional deficiencies and speed healing so you can get back to the things you love to do! Diet - An Alkalizing Diet for Health and Healing 7-10 glasses of filtered or spring water. Avoid chlorinated water. Organic foods are the safest way to nourish yourself – a wise investment! Consume a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Most important. Make antioxidant rich fruits, vegetables, raw seeds and nuts, beans, legumes, and whole grains the mainstays of your diet. Avoid wheat unless it’s sprouted. Have complete protein no later than lunch for better digestion of amino acids. Fermented vegetables improve pH and digestion. 1-3 tbsp ground flax for fiber, fatty acids, and hormone balance. Have 2 tsp apple cider vinegar and raw honey(opt) in room temperature water with meals. It alkalizes, improves absorption and provides trace minerals. Cook gently. High heat generates acrylamides & advanced glycation end products. Supplements – A Basic Protocol to Cover Common Deficiencies Bio-Strath – a fermented whole food tonic that promotes digestion and assimilation of nutrients, reduces stress, and alkalizes the body. Vitamin D 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to the upper limit of 4,000 IU daily – for calcium absorption, anti-inflammatory. Chlorophyll – blood builder, promotes alkalinity, reduces inflammation. Omega 3 Fatty Acids – reduce inflammation and speed healing. Probiotics – intermittent use – corrects PH, strengthens immune system. Special Care for Bones Vitamin C 500-2000 mg – a factor in collagen production, speeds healing, improves mineral absorption. Calcium/Magnesium/K2 combination – boron and phosphorous are helpful. Homeopathic Symphytum (comfrey) – known as “boneset”, is useful when a break is slow to heal. If you suffer from osteoporosis, take 3 tbsp aloe vera juice 2 times daily to increase collagen and hyaluronic acid production. Fresh air and sunshine are important for every aspect of your health. Spend time outside every day unless bedridden. Breathe deeply, exhale completely. Your bones need richly oxygenated blood and thorough exhalation rids the body of CO2. When healing is complete, we recommend you continue with the dietary and basic supplement suggestions to maintain a more alkaline system that protects your health and your bones.
By Jonathan Tessier 26 Jun, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take medication. When adopting a new healing lifestyle, make a few changes at a time. It took time for a condition to develop, and it will take time to restore healthy lung function. Diet Drink 7-10 glasses filter or spring water at room temperature. Consume a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Very important. Organic foods are the safest way to nourish yourself – a worthwhile investment! Make antioxidant rich fruits, vegetables, raw seeds and nuts, bean, legumes, and whole grains the mainstays of your diet. Consume sparingly or eliminate dairy products and wheat – highly mucous forming. Spices like chili peppers, ginger, garlic, and cayenne pepper thin mucus in the lungs. Some C.O.P.D. sufferers are sensitive to histamine. Eliminate fermented foods for a 2-week period to see if symptoms improve. Take 2 tsp apple cider vinegar and raw honey (opt) in one cup of room temperature water with meals. Low stomach acid is common with C.O.P.D. Have complete protein no later than lunch for better digestion of amino acids. Eliminate refined sugar, processed or cured meats, white rice and white flour. Cook gently. High heat generates acrylamides and advanced glycation end products. Basic Supplements – For the Maintenance of Good Health Bio-Strath tablets – important for digestion and stress tolerance. *Extra vitamin C – 1,000-2,000 mg daily until improvement, then 500 mg daily. Vitamin D – 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to the upper limit of 4,000 IU daily – steroid precursor, anti-inflammatory. Magnesium – keeps airways relaxed, promotes better sleep and regularity. *N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has a beneficial effect on overall lung health - thins mucus and supports immunity. On WHO’s top 100 essential remedies list. Omega 3 fatty acids – supports respiratory health, decreases inflammation. Make intermittent use of probiotics. *Vitamin C is important during the healing phase and thereafter during winter months when fresh produce is not available. NAC can be continued if desired or used intermittently i.e. during cold and flu season. Special Care: Meals that combine heavy protein with complex carbohydrates can be mucous forming. Experiment with meats and grains at separate meals. Traditional Medicine’s Tulsi (Holy Basic) with Ginger, and Breathe Easy Teas are soothing. Add manuka honey and a dash of cayenne to increase their healing properties. Take serrapeptase on an empty stomach upon rising and before bed on an empty stomach for 2 weeks then once a day until the bottle is done. Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme that scours the body digesting waste, including material trapped deep in lung tissue. To clear CO2 perform a cleansing breath a few times daily. Slowly inhale and fill your lungs then fully exhale. Before inhaling again open your mouth and puff out saying ha-ha-ha-ha until you just can’t puff anymore. You will probably be coughing, maybe even laughing, and you’ll be clearing stored gases and increasing lung capacity. Start slowly with 2 or 3 breaths. You may be dizzy the first few times so perform sitting down. Spend time outdoors breathing deeply. A walk in the fresh air is revitalizing. Watch your posture - lungs need room to “breathe”. Breathe deeply, exhale thoroughly! It’s important to breathe through your nose to warm the air, filter particles of dust, and destroy pathogens, such as viruses, before they can enter your lungs. If nasal passages are congested use a Neti pot a few times a week to keep them clear. Nitric oxide relaxes the lungs, improves mitochondria activity and oxygen circulation. See Dr Zack Bush’s 4-Minute Workout online. Studies show keeping a journal is of particular value for people who suffer with respiratory conditions and/or arthritis. Soak a cloth in castor oil mixed with a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Apply to the lung area and cover with a hot water bottle for 30 minutes. Repeat as needed. Keep the air in your home healthy with plants, salt lamps, an essential oil diffuser, and natural bees wax candles with jute wicks. Journal and track your progress. Many people find their health improves in multiple ways. We hope you experience similar benefits
By Jonathan Tessier 26 Jun, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take any prescription medication. We don’t make any claim to a healing program for cancer. We have known many courageous individuals, shared their journeys and want to share what made a difference and improved their quality of life. Most are still customers living healthy balanced lives! Creating a Diet for Living First Step (Part One) Build a Little Drink 7-10 glasses of filtered or spring water. Chlorine destroys healthy gut flora and can disrupt thyroid function. Go organic. Pesticides and chemicals are associated with cancer. A healthy diet consists of 75-80% alkaline forming foods. This is one of least talked about and most important factors in healthcare. Vital food creates vital health. Rely on fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grains, raw seeds and nuts as your mainstays. Avoid wheat unless sprouted. Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and coconut kefir impact in a positive way on your microbiome, improving digestion and immunity. Have 1-3 tbsp ground flax seed – lignans in flax slow deterioration of hormones, such as testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, associated with cancer. Rosemary, turmeric, ginger, basil, and garlic (to name only a few) can facilitate programmed cell death in cancer cells while protecting healthy cells.
By Jonathan Tessier 26 Jun, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription medication. Fortunately today there are a wide variety of delicious gluten free foods available. The following are suggestions for a nourishing diet that will benefit those with celiac disease. Diet Drink 7-10 glasses of room temperature filtered or spring water. Consume a diet that is 75-80% alkaline. An acidic system is prone to inflammation. Switch up to organic food. There are indications that pesticides, genetically modified organisms, and artificial hormones are linked to the development of celiac disease. Lightly cooked fresh vegetables, colourful fruits, beans, seeds, and nuts are great mainstays for healthy living. Nutritious gluten free wholegrains are quinoa, millet, teff, and pure oats. 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar and honey (opt) in water with meals improves digestion, corrects pH, balances blood sugar, and reduces fat storage. Fermented foods improve digestion and help maintain a healthy pH. 1-3 tbsp of ground flax, hemp, or chia seeds provide fiber, nutrients, and fatty acids.
By Jonathan Tessier 26 Jun, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription drugs. When heading in a new direction, make a few changes at a time. It’s important to enjoy the journey. A Healing Diet - Eat to Enjoy Life! Drink 7-10 glasses of filtered or spring water daily. Avoid chlorine. Consume a diet that is 75-80% alkaline forming. Very important. Go organic. Pesticides and chemicals are harmful to the liver and arteries. Rely on fresh fruit, vegetables, raw seeds and nuts, beans legumes, and whole grains as the mainstays of your diet. Avoid wheat unless it’s sprouted. Animal products are a source of inflammatory arachidonic acid which leads to increased free radicals. Eat sparingly. Have complete protein no later than lunch for better digestion of amino acids. Fermented kimchi and sauerkraut lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Consume 1-3 tablespoons of flax, hemp, or chia seeds daily. Garlic’s ability to lower LDL is well documented. Pomegranate and beet juices protect the arteries and reduce plaque. Replace salt with Herbamare for all the flavour but 1/3 the sodium. 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar and honey (opt) in water with meals corrects pH, improves digestion, and regulates blood sugar. Cook food gently. High heat generates acrylamides & advanced glycation end products.
By Jonathan Tessier 26 Jun, 2024
These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take medication. A holistic approach to health requires a look at all areas of life. Make a few changes at a time. Each positive change is a variable in your body’s favour giving it an opportunity to flourish. Diet Drink 7-10 glasses of room temperature filtered or spring water. Chlorine can interfere with thyroid function. Eat a diet consisting or 75-80% alkalizing foods. Very important. Organic foods are the safest way to nourish yourself - a wise investment! Make fruits, vegetables, raw seeds, nuts, beans, legumes and whole grains mainstays of your diet. Avoid wheat unless sprouted. Fermented kimchi, sauerkraut have a beneficial effect on vessels. Beets, pomegranates, and their juices increase blood flow. Have 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar and ½ tsp raw honey (opt) in water with meals to boost thermogenesis, improve digestion, and correct pH. Replace salt with Herbamare for all the flavour and 1/3 the sodium. It contain kelp to naturally stimulate thyroid function. Avoid heavy protein after lunch for improved digestion of amino acids. Basic Supplements - Cover Common Deficiencies Bio-Strath – provides a full complement of B complex vitamins necessary for digestion, nerve health, and circulation. Vitamin C – anti-inflammatory, improves circulation. Vitamin D 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to the upper limit of 4,000 IU – a deficiency is associated with thyroid and circulatory functions. Magnesium – has a relaxing effect on blood vessels. Supports circulation. Omega 3 fatty acids – necessary for proper circulation. Probiotics – intermittent use to correct pH and enhance microbiome.
By Jonathan Tessier 26 Jun, 2024
A cleanse undertaken with minor dietary changes and lifestyle habits will have multiple benefits without further embellishment. If, however, you want to experience more radical change in the outcome, there are some tweaks that can intensify the results of a cleanse. Urine test – maintaining a urine pH between 6.4 and 7.4 allows kidney to safely eliminate circulating acid waste. It is natural that urine will become more acidic as waste is leaving via the urine, but you can tweak your diet to maintain a more alkaline urine reading. Can’t get a reading in the right range? AlkaPure pH can be used when needed during your cleanse to maintain a good pH reading and aid with elimination. Dry body brushing – one of the most important pathways of elimination is the lymphatic system. Dry body brushing can improve lymphatic drainage and increase urinary output of waste. Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme that, when taken on an empty stomach, can scour the body digesting waste deposits throughout the body. Liquid chlorophyll helps control free radical activity and regulates blood sugar to reduce toxic food cravings. Chlorophyll helps heal the digestive tract and acts as a stool softener to ease bowel function. Fiber binds to excess fats and inhibits the reabsorption of waste. NutriCleanse is a detox unto itself, but it is a great addition to any cleanse providing multiple forms of fiber and herbal roots that enhance detoxification and elimination. Spirulina and/or chlorella promote the removal of heavy metals, encourage healthy cell growth, and minimize “die-off” symptoms from candida and other fungus or parasites.
By Jonathan Tessier 26 Jun, 2024
Foreword Before starting a cleanse, please read labels carefully and check with your pharmacist if you take medications. Cleansing is not recommended during pregnancy or for those with serious health conditions except under the supervision of a health care professional. Some cleanses described are strictly anecdotal and are offered for information purposes only 😊 Cleansing has been a part of virtually every ancient culture. It is a tradition well worth reviving in our modern day where diet and lifestyle put a greater demand upon our bodies than ever in the history of mankind. Regular cleansing of body tissue, gradual fine turning of diet and habits, and progressive dominion over thoughts and emotional energy, lead us to higher ground on every level. The elimination of acid waste, harmful habits, and toxic thinking/emotions, allows Life to flow through us freely. Isn’t that a direction worth pursuing for us all?
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