These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels and consult your pharmacist if you take prescription medications.
Are you often feeling tired? Almost as if you don't have enough energy to get through the day? You could be experiencing Adrenal Fatigue.
What is Adrenal Fatigue?
Adrenal fatigue isn't an official medical diagnosis. It's a general term used to describe a group of symptoms that aren't specific. Examples of those symptoms include tiredness, weakness, sleep problems, and cravings for sugar and salt.
The adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys. These glands make a variety of important hormones. When the adrenal glands don't make enough hormones, the medical term for that condition is adrenal insufficiency.
Common Causes
- Prolonged stress and feeling over extended.
- Lack of sleep/rest.
- Nutritional deficiencies.
- Lymphatic congestion.
- Pain/auto immune disorders.
Food As Medicine
- Drink 7-10 glasses of chlorine free water daily.
- Consume a diet that is 75-80%
alkaline forming with an emphasis on fresh fruit and vegetables.
Go organic. Organic foods are the safest way to nourish yourself - a worthwhile investment.
- Make
antioxidant rich fruits, vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, legumes, beans, and whole grains the mainstays of your diet. Avoid wheat unless sprouted.
Combine foods for easy digestion. Fruits on an empty stomach 30 minutes before other food. Eat starches and animal products at separate meals.
- Fermented foods improve pH, digestion, and mood.
- An
apple cider vinegar cocktail with meals improves digestion and pH. Mix 2 tsp acv and raw honey (optional) in one cup room temperature water 2X daily.
- Cook gently. High heat generates acrylamides and advanced glycation end products.
A Healing Bundle - To Feel Great in a Hurry
Vitamin D 8,000 IU for one month then reduce to upper limit of 4,000 IU - a deficiency is associated with adrenal fatigue.
Bio-Strath is clinically proven to reduce fatigue, stress, and anxiety. It improves immunity, strengthens digestions, and supports healthy adrenal function.
- Use an
adrenal support formula for a few weeks
until balance is restored.
We have several options in store - give us a visit and a member of staff will happily help you out!
- Essential Fatty Acids – can be obtained by eating fish 3-5 times weekly or thru daily use of flax and hemp seed oils.
Magnesium – has a beneficial effect on the entire body, calms the nervous system.
- Probiotic – corrects pH, strengthens immunity, improves mood.
- Avoid overload. Be very intentional when planning your activities.
- Rest more and pamper yourself.
- Get fresh air and gentle exercise every day.
Further Recommendations
The lymphatic system delivers fats to cells to provide energy between meals. If congested, fuel can’t be transported resulting in fatigue and exhaustion. Practice
dry body brushing 2-3 times a week to alleviate congestion.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables alkalize the body and provide living nutrition. Apples are a good source of malic acid which increases mitochondria activity, the “Generals” responsible for energy production in cells.
- Avoid overload. Be intentional when planning activities. Set personal boundaries.
- Limit use of cell phones, laptops, and electronics. Sensitive individuals can be adversely affected by EMF’s.
Establish a routine (with flexibility). The body thrives on regularity.
- Get fresh air, sunshine and outdoor exercise every day. At unseen levels the Earth, Sun, and even the Moon, positively affect our bodies
and psyches.
- Breathe deeply. Exhale thoroughly. Insufficient oxygen and buildup of gases from incomplete exhalation depletes energy and increases acidity.
Practice positive self-talk. Deepak Chopra tells us to watch our thoughts because every cell of our bodies is listening.
*These suggestions are not intended to replace appropriate professional advice. Please check labels for contraindications and check with your pharmacist if you are on prescription drugs. These suggestions are based on over 40 years of customer experience at Jo Anne’s Place.
*Revised February 2023